Mung melu? Gabung sawetara Grup, Lan Tambah sawetara kanca.
I love ceramics. I have been teaching for many years, mostly middle grades who are so enthusiastic about the medium. The students love the wheel and handbuilding. I am always looking to sharpen my skills because I want to keep up with the things the kids see on Instagram and want to try. They are eager learners and keep me on my toes.
Maggie egger dikirim nganyari jam 6 ago
I am enjoying the recorded videos and I especially enjoyed Jordana Lyden-Swift. She mentioned she had posted her recipe for her glaze and slips but I am unable to find those resources. Please help!
Gwenda Copeland dikirim nganyari jam 22 ago
I’m enjoying the videos I’ve watched so far. So many! But – I’m a frustrated because I can’t see the links/resources/questions that the artists mentions. Catie Miller included links in her Lesson tab but I haven’t seen that in others. Ellen Duval just mentioned a link to jars she like to use with her underglazes on Amazon but there is no link…
Julie Armstrong dikirim nganyari sedina kepungkur
So disappointing I paid my subscription to Clay Camp 2025 and paid to access the replays but have no access and now am being asked to pay again… but I also got the email to tell me that the replays for my account were live…hmmm no idea what is going on….very confusing and disappointing…hopefully the issue will get fixed soon…
I can see the course is loaded on your profile, you can see the first lesson here:
Monica Van den Berg dikirim nganyari Dina 3 ago
I am also having problems with watching the courses. Please update us in the problem
I can see the course is loaded on your profile, you can see the first lesson here:
@joshuacollinson lm really looking forward playing the ceramic camp videos. I was unable to see them live due to other commitments and paid the extra money so that I could view them in my own time. It appears that there are a few problems, but could you let us know please that this is being worked on and if possible, how an estimation of…
I can see the course is loaded on your profile, you can see the first lesson here:
Julia McMurtry dikirim nganyari Dina 3 ago
Same here. No replay on any videos. I emailed the same 10~12 hours ago. Can someone advise when to expect the availability?
I can see the course is loaded on your profile, you can see the first lesson here:
Christine Mclaughlin dikirim nganyari Dina 3 ago
I am recently unable to access any of the workshops that are supposed to be replay available. They continue to buffer without uploading to view.
Tulung kandani.
Matur nuwun!
Hi Christine, what device / browser are you using please? How is your internet connection?
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Cindy Biel dikirim nganyari Dina 3 ago
I am having issues downloading and just watching the tutorials I paid to have forever access to.
Deleng komentar liyane-
Aku uga!
me too…no access
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Chenee Psaros dikirim nganyari Dina 4 ago
I’m having problems accessing the courses I have paid for. Could someone please let us know what the issue is.
I can see the course is loaded on your profile, you can see the first lesson here:
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